Book Rievew : I'ts Always Hope


Book Identity

Book Title                 : It's Always Hope

Author                      : Najhan Shiddiq Ismail

Publisher                  : Galaxy Media

Year Published         : March 2014

Book Thickness        : 140

Pages Dimension     : 14 x 19

Book Price                : Rp. 20.000,00

About the Book:

This book is called it’s always hope. This book contains motivations that can lead us to become more resilient individuals and can develop ourselves to become smarter, more confident, and optimistic individuals in living life.

This book consists of 19 chapters that have different teachings. However, there is one chapter that I find interesting which is in chapter 18 entitled It's always hope. In this chapter the author explains that we should not be too anxious, prejudiced and have unfounded fears when we want to do something when it is not necessarily that bad things will happen because such things will only harm ourselves. As an example in this book, it tells the story of a transportation entrepreneur who has an excessive and unfounded fear of his company. This situation eventually made him sick which resulted in disrupting his work productivity. However, on the other hand, his company actually grew rapidly without any problems as he thought earlier.

So, the lesson I learned in this chapter is that we must have faith in Allah swt. and accept all his decrees sincerely and never assume something bad, but say "Allah has decreed, and what He wants Him to do."



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